Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Who SAID that?!

I learned in my communications classes that relationships grow exponentially when they are about to end. For instance, when you are about to graduate, or leave a job, the bonds that you form during that time will be the strongest. Julie and Cassy will be leaving the Penthouse this week, and while I will not miss the lack of floor space in my room, I WILL miss going to sleep together every night and waking up together every morning... multiple times since everyone had different alarms set. I'm amazed how quickly the 5 weeks flew by and I feel like this was a pivotal five weeks in all of our lives. Huge changes are about to happen for all three of us and it's pretty cool that we got to enjoy each other in the calm before the storm.
Ok, now... I have been applying for bartending positions in the hopes of picking up a second job. While I have been paying large sums of money to my credit card company in an effort to get my balance down to zero, I somehow have been spending pretty much the same amount on god knows what every month! My consumerism stuns even me sometimes. So, my next step will be analyzing my credit card statements to see where I am spending the most money, although I pretty much already know. It's food. I eat out pretty much three meals a day, and while I don't spend crazy money on any of those meals... they add up FAST! So, let's just say step one has already been done and move right along to step two... fix it! I would like to actually make a grocery list in the beginning of the week and actually shop and actually cook and actually bring lunches to work with me! Yes! I am going to keep those ideas flowing.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Pedicures and Pizza Shops

Cass and I took a stroll around Central Park yesterday and people watched. Actually, we were more dog watching. This was probably due to the fact that we brunched with a dog trainer who had FIVE of his dogs with him. Five of his HUGE dogs. Their heads were the size of horse heads, but they were all very sweet, ESPECIALLY one of them, named Katana. I'll post a picture once Cassy sends it, but the dog HUGS!!. She stands up on her back legs and puts her front legs around your waist and stands there... hugging you. I stood there for a good ten minutes and she didn't budge. That's the kind of dog I need in my life! Anyway, so we were at the park, dog watching, and just appreciating life. Everyone goes to the park. People from all walks of life... dogs from all walks of life. We stayed for a few hours and then headed back to Greenpoint to get pedicures. The first place we went in was super sketchy looking and when we poked our heads in and asked for a list of services, the grumpy man in charge told us we had to go next door... to the pizza shop. Uh... what? Cass asked if he does pedicures and he said "Yeah, we can", she asked where and he said the pizza shop! WTF?! We scampered out of there and stood on the street, baffled, before heading off in search of another place, which we found one block away. This place was cute AND pedicures are only $13!!! I decided I'm going every week from now on. New and improved Molly... coming up. I am going to try my new schedule this week. Hot Yoga on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. My only quandry is how I will get to the yoga place? It will take too long to walk, I don't want to drive because I'm not sure where I would park AND I would have to take two trains even though it's super close. I think... I THINK... I may ride my bike... EEEEEKKK! I could leave it locked up there all day and then ride it home I guess. I haven't ridden a bike in YEARS and I'm definitely nervous about it. But in the spirit of pushing my fears aside, I may just try it!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Jungle Love

I just called a salon called Evil Beauty to book a lower leg waxing. What inspired this ballsy move was my impending pedicure tomorrow and the thought of my pedi-technician shrieking in horror at my jungle stems when I rolled up my pant legs. Ok, ok, I can't ACTUALLY call it ballsy, what with me hanging up on them twice before actually working up the nerve to ask for the appointment. As luck would have it... they are booked.
My legs are still recovering from my last waxing experience a few weeks ago. Andrea came over to help me wax my legs with the kit that I had picked up. I WANTED the roll on wax that I had tried years ago, but apparently it no longer exists, so I got a box with 30 strips. PLENTY, I said to myself. Well... we were laughing so hard that it took forever to get the strips on... then laughed so hard that it took forever more to actually pull the strip off... THEN forever MORE to compose ourselves enough to get another strip on. It was a very lengthy process which kind of prolonged and elevated the pain. Needless to say, when we realized that there were only 6 leg sized patches in the box, and the rest were all lip strips... the operation was aborted, leaving me with amusing bare patches on my shins.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I predict some shaving in the near future :)

So This Is Where It All Begins

Since Myspace seems to be going the way of the dinosaurs, Facebook doesn't really have a good notes system and my psychic just told me that my writings will be important in the future.... I decided to get a move on and finally start a blog (with a little help from Lex). For now, this blog will be my diary. The stories of a little girl (in stature anyway) adjusting to life in the big city... just not SO cliche. In the future, who knows... maybe the stories of a little girl making the trip across the pond and adjusting to life in London (another gem from the psychic). Who KNOWS. The point is... I'm into it. I'm excited for life and I'm going to document it.