Friday, March 20, 2009

So This Is Where It All Begins

Since Myspace seems to be going the way of the dinosaurs, Facebook doesn't really have a good notes system and my psychic just told me that my writings will be important in the future.... I decided to get a move on and finally start a blog (with a little help from Lex). For now, this blog will be my diary. The stories of a little girl (in stature anyway) adjusting to life in the big city... just not SO cliche. In the future, who knows... maybe the stories of a little girl making the trip across the pond and adjusting to life in London (another gem from the psychic). Who KNOWS. The point is... I'm into it. I'm excited for life and I'm going to document it.


  1. I live vicariously through you so this is just another venue for me to ensconce myself in MollyLand.

  2. What splendiforous news... New beginnings AND the too-long-awaited news of each new adventure. Nobody finds adventure and amusement in the otherwise simplistic and oft-overlooked events of the day like you do. Could it be that YOU are the magical element that makes them come alive for all of your adoring fans? My heart is so happy, it's singing and crying at once!
